NOVA Retreat 2022
Resource book: The Inner Work of Age: Shifting from Role to Soul by Connie Zweig

Fifty Nova members gathered at Bon Secours in mid-September to contemplate the difficult as well as inspiring challenges of moving into our elder years. The Carrie Newcomer song above was woven into each session as we tackled themes of ageism, moving beyond Ego to Elderhood, embracing the shadow and facing mortality. Charley Miller, our beloved “aging” Franciscan, gently led us on a journey of Life Review challenging us to name and share an experience of extraordinary depth that influences us to this day. Charley returned to these memories over and over throughout the retreat encouraging us to see that these experiences are what makes us “Mystics”, fully joined with God in the great mystery of evolutionary wonder.
Drawing on the work of Teilhard de Chardin, Karl Rahner, Elizabeth Johnson, Carl Jung and Connie Zweig, Robert Bly and Richard Rohr, Charley took us on a far-reaching theological adventure into the heart and soul of what it means to be human, to be aging, to be faithful and “some soon day . . .(to be) dancing into the darkness.” We sang, we prayed, we meditated, we discussed in large and small groups . . .and we felt blessed to have the opportunity to contemplate these weighty matters together.
Drawing on the work of Teilhard de Chardin, Karl Rahner, Elizabeth Johnson, Carl Jung and Connie Zweig, Robert Bly and Richard Rohr, Charley took us on a far-reaching theological adventure into the heart and soul of what it means to be human, to be aging, to be faithful and “some soon day . . .(to be) dancing into the darkness.” We sang, we prayed, we meditated, we discussed in large and small groups . . .and we felt blessed to have the opportunity to contemplate these weighty matters together.
In free time everyone loved the free-flowing Happy Hours on the porch before dinner every night, the Bird Walk and Morning Meditations, the artistic possibilities discovered in working with paint and popsicle sticks, the evening “jam sessions” featuring John Malin on the banjo, Tim on the guitar and Eileen on everything else. Ted Miller, Mike Marron and Rich Rosenberg outdid themselves in setting up a fiercely competitive game show on Monday evening that featured The Ratzinger Raiders vs. The Francis FANatics. Lots of belly laughs ensued as contestants pondered such heady topics as Papal Lore and Nova Trivia. Our time ended with a beautiful liturgy planned by Tom & Ronnie Martin and Cece & Kopp, who were unfortunately not able to attend due to sickness.
Kate Doherty led an art activity on Monday afternoon during free time.
These beautiful painted sticks are going to be joined to create a heart - the heart of NOVA.
These beautiful painted sticks are going to be joined to create a heart - the heart of NOVA.
Our evening entertainment led by and created by Ted Miller and Mike Marron was great fun. 2 teams "tried" to answer trivia questions on topics of: Papal Lore, NOVA trivia, Vatican II, Baltimore Catechism. Judges, Mike and Rich, shared the judge hat. Fr. Charley delivered the news reports during the evening. Many many laughs and much fun had by all.
Our liturgy at the end of the retreat was planned by the Michelottis, Martins, and Fr Charley and our wonderful NOVAtones!